Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1 month diet program?!!

well, today is the day i ended my 1 month diet program, i guess i am quite impress with the result. (or should i?)
i had lost 10kg in a month, is this ridiculous or its normal? how ever i am gonna start another 1 month diet program. my goal is to lose
another 10kg. wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

I want ~ i want ~ I want !!!!! I wanna know how can you do that? 10kg in a month!!!!!!!it is so....unbelievable....!

The most "hell" way i tried, was 5 KG! You did double up ~ GOSH ~'ve got to tell me how you do that!


sabrinas life medley said...

10 kg in one month is not normal and not good for your body!

Babe said...

Bro, how u do that???
i am working out very hard to slim down... :P
try to jog 20 min every evening ard this summer time in this bloody hell desert place.

p/s post ur pic in FB.. before and after.. haha..


dnaJason said...

well..its true. This is my routine work out on 1 month. Every morning, i drank a big cup of warm water and had a short jog around my apartment. After that before i went out, i take some organic food. And my breadfast will be 2 eggs and a steam plain bread.

For my lunch i just take some simple food such as poridge or just some fruits.

As for my dinner, i consume some vege and of course some organic food.

I forced myself to sleep before 2am, as it helps me digest the food before i felt asleep.

I am felling quite ok and i went to a routine medical checkup, the doc said i am ok. I will tried it for another 1 month. Lets see what happend. For the record, i reached the top of my weight last month 104KG!!!!!! and i am now 94KG...sigh..still felling the slumbber within me.. wish me luck guys.

sabrina thanks for the comment. really appreciated.

chiayee. i will post my photo asap.

Dawn, keep up the good work. you can do it.