Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Saloute To Metal Gear Solid 4(PS3)

Today is the 4th time i finished MGS4, I really wanted to saloute the game producer Hideo Kojima, he really brings the game experience to another unbelieveable level. Tons of HD graphich, tons of touching story lines, tons of action and tons of exitement. I would really bow to him if i can meet him in person. Never play any game more than 3 times, this is the first game ever that can give me the thrill to play it the 4th time and complete it. 2 words to descripe the game = superb and superb.


Anonymous said...

hi gamer, ever try out ff7?? if u play it now, surely u will say rubbish, but if u play it in year 1998, comfirm u will say it is the best game ever, eventhough compare to msg4.

p/s: ff7 is 1 of the 3 games sold over 100million pieces of copy(not included the privated and pc version)

dnaJason said...

Hei man,I did played FF1 to FF13, I played every SquareSoft,including ZOE and Chrono Trigger. I still remember chrono trigger, I really dam miss that title. Dude. can you leave your msn. we can chat more on the game. ^^ I used to be a hardrock gammer.